Unlike Facebook Page – How to Unlike Facebook Page on Your Mobile Device

Unlike Facebook Page

Unlike Facebook Page – Facebook is a social media platform where millions of people connect. Facebook is the most popular social media platform. Deleting likes on Facebook simply means to unlike something that you have previously liked or something that you like earlier. People delete their likes on Facebook posts and ads for reasons best known to them. Deleting likes on Facebook is a personal thing and whoever deletes their likes has their reasons for doing so.

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Today a lot of people do not know that they can actually delete their like on a post or unlike some post that they have previously liked. Here is the good news Facebook likes can actually be deleted its means that it is possible to, unlike a post. You that liked a post and you want to unlike them. You will find out how to do so with ease. The process is very simple and in the long run you can also teach others that are yet to know.

Unlike Facebook Page

You do not need a particular tech knowledge or have a high degree of computer knowledge to be able to delete a like or delete likes on Facebook. Here is what you need to do and it is as simple as ABC. Deleting likes on Facebook ranges within the following

  1. Unliking pages on mobile
  2. Unliking pages on device
  3. Unliking posts on mobile
  4. Unliking posts on device

The following are steps to delete likes on Facebook. But for this particular one, I will be telling you how to unlike pages on your mobile

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  1. Ensure you have a working device
  2. Open Facebook. If you are not logged into Facebook enter or your email and password before proceeding.
  3. Tap the profile icon it is the single person shape icon at the button of the screen on the android, doing so will open your page
  4. Scroll down and tap about. This is near the top of your profile page. On Android, you will tap see more about yourself above the photo section.
  5. Scroll down to see the likes heading. You will find it near the button of the about page
  6. Tap see all this is at the button of likes section, doing so opens a list of all liked items
  7. Tap all likes. It is at the top of the screen. A list of your liked pages will open
  8. Select liked page. Scroll until you find the page you want to unlike then tap it open
  9. Tap liked it is the blue thumbs-up icon on the upper right side of the page.
  10. Tap unlike when prompted doing so will unlike the page and remove it from your list of likes.