Twitter to Facebook Account – How To Connect Twitter to Facebook Account

Twitter to Facebook Account

Twitter to Facebook Account – To connect your Twitter and Facebook is very simple. It is very important because it links all your followers to Facebook. Go through this page and learn more about it.

How To Connect Twitter to Facebook Account

To link this, is as easy as a glance through this simple guide. And as such, the reason for this article is to equip you with the simple knowledge needed to connect Twitter to a Facebook account of yours.

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This way, you would be able to send your Tweets or post them automatically to your Facebook account Timeline. It makes it a lot easier to reach out to more of your audience just at once.

And it makes your social media communication more convenient. You don’t have to border posting and tweeting the same content to both platforms differently.

Right now let’s get started on how to connect Twitter to Facebook Account;

All that is required of you is, attentive attention while you go through the simple steps below. And definitely you will be able to connect or link your Twitter account to Facebook just by yourself.

Steps On How To Connect Twitter To Facebook

More to read: Zoom Account Sign Up – Zoom Log In My Account

  1. Go to
  2. Log on Twitter by entering your username and password
  3. Click on the icon at the top right side of the homepage. (It is between the search bar and the Tweet writing tool.
  4. Click on “Settings & Privacy” It is in the list of the drop-down menu.
  5. Click on “Apps” You will find this among the menu on the left-hand side of the page.
  6. Click on “Connect to Facebook”. This will take you to another browser where you would complete the process.
  7. Click on “Log in with Facebook”
  8. Log in to Facebook by entering your email and password. But if you are already logged in to your Facebook, you wouldn’t have to log in again. Twitter will simply seek your permission to post to Facebook on your behalf.
  9. Click on “Allow” to grant Twitter permission

This will enable Twitter to automatically post your tweets to your Facebook account, although replies are not posted to Facebook too.
