This Facebook follow me hoax is causing users to panic – See This Facebook follow me hoax is causing users to panic

This Facebook follow me hoax is causing users to panic – A new Facebook hoax has led users of the popular social media site into panic. A myth that there is a hidden list on the site that could expose other users that are secretly stalking you on the platform.

This Facebook follow me hoax is causing users to panic

According to the hoax, the social media website will give you a list if you go to the block section in setting and type in “following me”.

Interesting link: The Facebook “following me” HOAX scaring people – See The Facebook “following me” HOAX scaring people

However, it is a ruse and nothing else, according to the Birmingham Mail. Despite this, the hoax is still making the rounds across the website and people are getting frightened.

One user wrote: ” I Just learned something new. If you go to account settings, blocking, block users, and type in “following me”, without the quotes, you might be surprised just who is following you. I had a lot people on it that I had no clue who they were. They are blocked now. I had to block them one at a time. Creepy. Most were Middle Eastern. And all my posts are to friends, not public.”

Experts have outed the whole thing as nothing but a ruse to scare people.

The hoax has done the rounds previously, but is seemingly picking up serious traction this week.

When you type something into the “search bar” on Facebook, it is going to find ANY and ALL pages, people, and/or posts with those words in them.

What you’re probably seeing is a list of people with names that include letters from the words “following” and “me.”

So how can you find out how who really is following you?

According to Facebook’s Help Center, you go to the right corner and select settings, then click public posts, then select friends or public next to who can follow me.

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Tech experts at explain: “Why Facebook would implement a feature that would allow users to see their paid stalkers or “covert followers” seems oddly counter-productive, yet this logical flaw hasn’t seemed to stop these rumours from going viral, regularly.”

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