Secret Facebook Messenger Chess – Facebook Messenger Chess Game is a board game for two players on Facebook Messenger. It’s is played digitally on a square board, made of 64 smaller squares, with over eight squares on each side on the board — both players start with sixteen pieces: eight pawns, two knights, bishops, rooks, one queen and a king. There can be a winner by checkmate, or they could both draw (Stalemate). Checkmate is a threat (‘check’) to your opponent’s king and no matter the move; it is down.
During the two players take turns to move one of their pieces to various squares on the board. One of the players (‘White’) has pieces with light colors while the other player (‘Black’) has pieces with dark colors. The player that possess the white pieces starts the game and has little advantage over Black in most games.
This article, Facebook Messenger Chess Game Secret Strategy Revealed 2019 has made various chess gurus. Go through this article carefully, without any disturbance and practice daily using your Facebook Messenger app.
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The significance of Each Pieces in the Facebook Messenger Chess Game PAWNS
Pawns can only move forward. In the beginning, a pawn can move one or two spaces, just at the beginning while they move diagonally to take out their opponents.
If a pawn gets the other side of the board that is your opponent’s side of the board, is promoted to higher pieces except for the king. There are no boundaries to how many pawns can undergo promotion as long as they don’t die before getting to the other side.
The rooks only move in a continuous line from side to side, forward and backward and can’t be promoted. They are at the two ends of the boards, in the path of the king.
Knight is the only pieces on the chess board that can “Fly” off the board. Unlike other pieces, other pieces between them and their landing square can’t block them.
To make it better to remember how a knight move on the board is an “L” shape. Two spaces vertically or horizontally and then, one space to the right or left.
The bishop moves in a continuous diagonal line in any direction, providing there are no obstacles.
The queen possesses both the power of the rooks and that of the bishop. The position of the queen is something you need to take note of; it’s just like a sniper.
The king can move in any way like the queen but only one square at a time. A king cannot go to a square that is being attacked by your opponent.
- Queen: Strongest = Most Value
- Rook
- Bishop, Knight
- Pawn: Weakest = Least Value
Facebook Messenger Chess Game Secret Strategy 2018
For every move your opponent you makes, all think: Why did he/she move there? Is any of my piece in danger? Is there any attempt on my pieces that I should watch out for? What kind of plan does the other player have in mind?
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You need to start with the first question first. Before you get to the last question, you already know the opponent’s plan. Note that your opponent can change his plan anytime, so pay close attention.
Don’t rush to play because you feel that’s a great move while you might be leading your pieces to destruction. Always ask yourself these questions before you play; is there a better place to position this piece? Do this move defend me against threats by the other player? Would it be protected from incoming attacks? Can this piece be driven away by the enemy?
When you see a good position, relax and search for a better one.
Most chess players don’t know what a forced move is, it’s straightforward. It can either be a check, capture, or a strike on the other player’s pieces.
This is one thing most beginners don’t know. Most professionals take advantage of sacrifices and open their opponent’s defense system. It’s just bait, it’s enticing, and you fall for it.
Sacrifice is an excellent example of a moving force.
There are a lot of tactics in Chess, but I would mention only four here, which are;
- Double-Attacks (Forks)
This occurs when your move make two or more pits (threats) at once.
- Pins
The power of any pin lies in the fact that once it moves, another piece is exposed which is more valuable. Look for a way to take advantage of the pin and move it from its position.
- Removing the Defender
Once another defends any piece, then it becomes vulnerable when the defender is out.
- Tempo-Moves
A tempo-move is a move that makes time by creating a threat that causes the other player to defend passively.
Always practice!