Facebook Messenger Basketball Game – The Facebook Messenger basketball game has been on Facebook since 2016. Many people didn’t know much about it because it was hard to locate. Back then, you need to send a basketball emoji to any of your contacts and tap on it to open the game. But today, if you want to access the game, you need to open your Facebook Messenger. Click on the game icon, right to the camera icon in the middle. Click on the search bar and type in “Basketball.” Then click on Play.
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If you’ve tried to play it before, you would know how frustrating it can be trying to shoot the ball to the net. The highest you can get is seven or maybe three. Everyone wants to get a double-digit score; everyone wants to surpass their friend’s high score. If you truly want to do this then post is for you. Go through it carefully, and within a minute you would become a pro in Facebook Messenger basketball.
Facebook Messenger Basketball Tricks | Use The Right Finger For Amazing Controls
It may be just a game, but for you get that score you want, you need to get your technique down. It’s is advisable not to use your thumb when aim. It is better to make use of your dexterous index finger if you want an accurate shot.
You should also place your phone on a flat surface (like a table or a desk), instead of placing it on your hand.
Use Long Strokes
For more accuracy in your shots, it’s better to make use of long strokes instead of short flicks. Tap the basketball with your index finger and stroke it over the net and even further as you please. This technique would guide you in making great shots, once the basketball starts going at a higher level you would need to lessen the duration of your swipe.
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Use A Ruler
This is a superb way of cheating in Facebook Messenger Basketball game. Immediately it was introduced, a lot of videos popped out on YouTube showing how to cheat using this method. The common way to get a great score is to and impress your friends is by using a ruler (or anything with a straight edge), to guide you as you stroke the ball.
Place the ruler on a flat on your smartphone’s screen and position the ruler from the ball to the net. Caution: this game is extremely difficult and frustrating, so if you make over 100 baskets, your friends may become suspicious.
The basket might start to move, ensure that the ruler is positioned well and that you’re taking your stroke in the best location!