Facebook Password Reset – It is very possible to forget your password and also it is advisable you reset your password if you observe any security bridge at any time. Choosing to reset your Facebook Password may be for different reasons. Logging in your Facebook account on several devices is to your detriment so if you fall into any of the categories above, it is time to reset your Facebook Password.
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Your Facebook Security Settings must always be in check at all times. Using the platform more and more should give you quality insight on what you need from it. Learn to adjust your Facebook Security Settings from time to time.
Using Email
- Using your web browser on your desktop, visit www.facebook.com
- The login page will display then click “Forget Password”
- Choose the option to use the password which you use in accessing your email
- You will receive a message from Facebook with them asking permission to access your email
- Follow through and complete the reset process.
Using Phone Number
You can also use your cell phone number to reset your Facebook password As long as you have your phone number connected to your Facebook account, you can use your phone number for this.
Just follow these procedures:
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- Using your web browser on your computer system. Visit the Facebook platform using the link above
- Click “Forget Password”
- Choose the option “Get a Code From My Smartphone”
- A security code will be sent to you in your SMS inbox (Code from Facebook)
- Input the code
- Click on “Change”
- Input a fresh password and confirm it.
This is how to Reset Facebook Password. You should connect a default email and phone number to your Facebook account to make it easier any time you decide to change your password.