Importance of Email – 10 Best Free Email Platform in the World | How to Create and Write an Email

Importance of Email – Email is one of the most valuable tools in the world for both personal and professional communications. Today almost every individual in the world both corporate institutions have email account, those who don’t have are looking for a way to create an Email Address and they are also searching for best Email platforms in the world.

But in this post, I am going to be showing you the Importance of Email Account, How to Create and Write Your Email and List of Best Free Email Platforms in the World you need to create account from.

Just like postal service, Email is like sending a letter; but the only difference is instead of using pen & paper and posting your letter using a Post Office, you use keyboard to type a message on computer and simply push a button to send to anyone you are addressing it to or broadcast to your subscribers/client/customers.

Though social networking has surpassed email as a preferred means of communication but then, email still remains indispensible as far as daily life and business is concerned. Now let us look at some of the Importance of Email.

Importance of Email

  • It is more personal & direct medium for communication.
  • Messages are delivered within seconds around the world.
  • It allows to save & keep a record of your communication.
  • Easy to send with no time boundation.
  • Good example of One-To-Many communication.
  • You may attach files, documents, images, & other media to an email.
  • You can access your email from anywhere with Internet connection kept on.
  • Activate your filters and receive only genuine mails.

Importance of Email for Business and Corporate Organisations

The fact that email has great importance to individuals in this modern days, business and corporate organisation can never be left out. Every day, millions of emails are sent from companies to customers and suppliers, from employees to their managers and from one coworker to another. There are several reasons for the preponderance of email when compared to other methods of communication.

E-mail can be the most effective way to promote any product or service online. It ‘s a direct & simple way to communicate with your customers or users.

Email marketing is one of the most trusted & popular online marketing channel available to organizations. This is best medium to show your interest into customers which indicates that you care about them & want to work with them. Now see some of the Importance of Email for Business and Corporate Organisations.

Check out some of the Importance of Email for Business and Corporate Organisations

  1. Immediacy – Email is sent and received almost instantaneously, whether the recipient is a few doors down or thousands of miles away. Because of this, using email streamlines both internal and external communication, making it faster and easier to transmit and disseminate important information and allowing for almost real time status updates. In turn, the continuous flow of relevant information makes employees and executives alike more efficient and productive, enabling quick responses to any issue that may arise.
  2. Record Keeping – Email messages remain in an user’s inbox unless deliberately deleted, and both stand-alone email software and webmail services offer a search function and filters that make tracking down a specific message only take a matter of seconds. This creates a virtual paper trail that is far more efficient than printed documents filed away in a drawer, making it extremely easy to extract important information from email communication.
  3. Low Costs – Email is one of the cheapest ways a business can use to communicate, both internally and externally. Small businesses can simply sign up for free email with providers such as Gmail, Yahoo or Hotmail; even for larger companies, the overhead cost of maintaining a dedicated email server is relatively low. The cost difference is especially striking when considering mass communication. For example, the cost of printing and delivering a set of marketing fliers or letter is many times that required to send the information through email.
  4. Marketing – Email allows companies to efficiently and effectively spread information about their products and services, both to existing customers and potential ones. For example, a clothing company could set up an email list to which anybody can subscribe, then send weekly emails to everybody on the list detailing new additions to the catalog. Similarly, a company specializing in software development and Marketing can reach out to their customers with emails and also contact other companies/affiliates directly by email to inquire whether they may find their product useful and promote it to their list of subscribers. Apart from the cost-effectiveness of Email to Business, it also presents a great opportunity for businesses of all sizes to reach their target market, no matter what their audience looks like. By adding email marketing to their list of marketing tactics, businesses can improve their reach and visibility, allowing them to engage and convert more leads on a consistent basis.

Not only does email marketing allow you to take advantage of the prospect of reaching a large group of people, but this medium can also offer benefits that other marketing tactics can’t provide. Email marketing allows you to personalize your messaging and tailor messages based on customer actions. You can also segment your audiences to ensure that the right leads or sales are getting the most impactful information at the most effective times.

How to Write an Email?

  • “To Field” Type a valid email address of person to whom you want to send the email.
  • “From Field” should contain sender’s email address.
  • “Subject” is the brief summary of your message. Write a short & accurate subject line. Make sure your subject line justify the content in your mail.
  • Message body is the location to type main message.
  • It’s important to begin with a greeting Such as “Dear XYZ”, “Hello Sir/Madam”.
  • Introduce yourself in the first line or paragraph if you are sending the mail as an individual.
  • Write your message & put your main points in opening sentences. Get to the point and don’t move in circles to explain a single point.
  • Be brief & polite. If your message is long then provide links or attachments in your message.
  • Say “Thank You” & add your signature with appropriate contact information.
  • Proofread or preview your message before sending it.

List Best Free Email Platform in the World

You need it for networking, job recruitment, downloading resources, transferring files, setting reminders, meeting with colleagues, and so much more.

Even with the rise of office chat platforms, you still depend on email for a surprising number of things. But unfortunately, not every email service is completely free. And even the free ones might not be the easiest to use or have all the features you need.

It can be a challenge to find an email client at no cost that balances the right features with usability. To help make your search easier, we put together a list of the five best free email accounts you can sign up for right now — as well as a few services we gave honorable mention. Here is the 10 of the Best Free Email Service Providers you can try.

10 of the Best Free Email Service Providers

  1. Gmail

Gmail is arguably the best free email service provider at the moment. Gmail is simple and user-friendly. It offers over 10GB of free storage, has excellent spam filter and enables access via mobile devices. Its built-in chat allows voice and video chat as well the regular chatting by text. It offers search capability to find lost or old messages. Also, Gmail messages are grouped nicely with relevant replies such that you can read messages in the context.

==> Click Here to Create Gmail Account

Gmail also offers customized email service for businesses, individuals and organizations. Once you can prove a website belongs to you, Gmail helps you manage your customized email (yourname@yourcompany, and you can even host it on their server.

2. Zoho Mail
Zoho mail is aimed at professionals. It features calendar, task manager, notes and instant chat as well as other business app found in Google apps for business. It is easy to set up and manage. Impressively, Zoho mail does not display adds to protect your privacy. Email messages are not even scanned for keywords for the purpose of marketing.

You can opt for their free Lite Plan that features 5GB mail storage per user, push mail, mobile sync and email support. You can register only one domain name on the free Lite Plane, and your email address will appear as username@your

3. (Reinvented Hotmail) is the new, reinvented email service. It builds off the power of Outlook on PCs and Macs, and it features more tidy user interface without display ads. It is built based on the latest trends in Internet communication.

You can connect with social networks from inside your email account, integrate skydrive which include Office Web Apps for Word, Excel and PowerPoint files.

4. offers most of the important email features that you might be thinking about. Most importantly, you can select the email domain name that will suit you best from over 200 domain names e.g.,,,,, and so on. However, the default one is

They provide unlimited email storage capacity and you can attach up to 50MB of file in one attachment. You can also set up your email to receive and reply all your emails from this one address. They also provide mobile support. You can use your email on BlackBerry, iDevices and Android devices. You also have online calendar to use.

5. Yahoo! Mail

The new Yahoo! mail stands among the best free email services available on the web and mobile devices. They offer unlimited email storage, social networking, instant messaging and SMS texting.

==> Click Here To Create A Yahoo! Mail Account

You can view slideshows, photos and videos right from inside your mailbox. You can send up to 50 files or 100MB file size in a single email. Your messages are automatically sorted, and lower priority messages like newsletters and coupons are organized into folders.

6. GMX
GMX is not so popular, but it offers quite reliable email service. Spams and viruses are well filtered . It provides unlimited email storage and allows up to 50MB of attachment. You can manage all your email accounts using their email collector. You can manage your emails on the web and mobile. They make use of SSL encryption to protect your email from spam and viruses.

7. Fastmail
You should also consider using FastMail. They have been online for 10 years now. They boast of reliable junk mail protection, temporary secure SMS passwords, web folders for photos and files and much more. Their free or guest plan offers 25MB email storage, IMAP and 120 days inactivity time.

8. Hushmail
Hushmail is another lovely email service you should put into consideration. They allow up to 25MB of free storage on their free account. It is well integrated with Android, BlackBerry, iPhone and other mobile devices. You can also integrate outlook to your Hushmail.

9. provides 5GB free storage space for your emails. You can easily change the layout of your inbox with their drag n drop tool. You can also select RSS feeds that suits your need.

They offer free online photosharing, calendar, tasks and notes as part of free offers aside their free email service.

10. ShortMail (Discontinued)
Think of Shortmail as your private Twitter account. All emails are limited to 500 characters, and attachments are not allowed. Messages are expected to be concise for faster, more effective communication. It works on iPhone, Android and other mobile apps.

When you make a choice, be sure to explore all the options available to you so that you can make full use of their capacity. We would like to see your opinions in the comments section.

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Importance of Email – 10 Best Free Email Platform in the World | How to Create and Write an Email