How To Start Selling Items On Facebook Business Page Online – Facebook Shop

Facebook Business Page Online

Facebook Business Page Online – Social media’s is the best place to use when it comes to marketing products online. . They are many of social media platforms that offer this kind of service, but none as popular as that of Facebook page. Facebook Ecommerce services are something every Facebook account will have one time come in contact with. Selling items on Facebook business page are one of the top selling services on Facebook to use.

When it comes to selling items on Facebook business page, Facebook account owners think there’s a big process involved in it. As a matter of fact, selling on Facebook is no big deal as long as users have a good orientation about how to sell products on Facebook page. Well, this article will help guide users on how to create Facebook business page and start selling on it.

Available link: How To Do Facebook Marketing 2019

How To Start Selling Items On Facebook Business Page

Users with an interest in selling items on Facebook business page can do so with ease. Facebook gives its users options to create Facebook pages which they can use to showcase, publish or create awareness of anything they want. So, users with interest in selling items on Facebook needs to ensure they have the following before they can start selling items on Facebook business page online.

  1. Facebook business page.
  2. Create Facebook Shop section on the Facebook business page.
  3. Have knowledge about selling on Facebook rules.

Users need to ensure they have an active Facebook page that they’ve set up for business purposes. The Facebook business page should contain details that describe the user’s business services. Once this is place users will have to ensure that the products they want to sell on Facebook conform to selling on Facebook rules. Yes, users have to do this to avoid selling things that contradicts Facebook selling policy.

How To Sell Products on Facebook Page – How To Add Products to Facebook Page

Users that own a business page o Facebook can create Facebook Shop section on it and begin to add products for sale. Users in search of means on how to sell products on Facebook without a website can use the Facebook Shop section to market their products. With the following step,s users will know how to add products to a Facebook page.

More Facebook marketplace: How Can I Sell On Facebook – Selling Services On Facebook To Use

  1. Connect your device to an active internet connection.
  2. Launch your device web browser.
  3. Open the Facebook website with the URL on the web browser.
  4. Complete the Facebook sign in process if necessary.
  5. Click on Pages on the Facebook homepage.
  6. Open Your Facebook business page.
  7. Click on the shop tab to open the Facebook Shop section of your Facebook business.
  8. Click on Add Products.
  9. Upload an image or video of the item you want to sell.
  10. Click the Edit Variants option.
  11. Enter details that describe your product.
  12. Select your shipping options. Users can use the Advanced Options to create a tax rate and many other things for the product they want to sell.
  13. Click the save button.

Immediately after the above steps, the product will be ready to go live on approval from Facebook. Facebook will check the products if it complies to the selling on Facebook rules before approving it. After Facebook approval, the product for sale will begin to appear on the user’s Facebook shop section. Users can start selling items on Facebook business page with the above steps.