How to Recover Unpublished Facebook Fan page – Your Facebook fan page is an important tool your business needs. And when you are faced with issues resulting to shutdown of your Facebook fan page, it becomes a setback to your business and this affects your income as well.
As Facebook make frequent update to their system, a lot of users experience one or two problems some of those problems may not be an outright violation of Facebook terms of service while some are.
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A lot of people have had their Facebook page unpublished for no just reason without knowing what to do about it. Because of that, have taken out time to show everyone How to Recover Unpublished Facebook Fan page with simple steps.
However, before moving down to How to Recover Unpublished Facebook Fan page, it is important you know the two reasons why your facebook page is unpublished at the first place.
Why your Facebook Page is Unpublished
There are two reasons that can make facebook to unpublish your page and the reasons are
Inactivity of the facebook fanpage
When your facebook page is in active for a while, facebook can go as far as unpublishing it because it will seems to them that you no longer interested in the page. But before facebook does that, they will first send you a mail to the email address you used in creating your facebook account informing you that that so and so number of fans in your facebook fanpage “” have not heard from you.
They will sending the message for quite number of times, if you still did not make any post to that your page, they will unpublish it after several alert Page inactivity alert.
How to Recover Unpublished Facebook Fan page based on inactivity
When your facebook page is Unpublished bases on inactivity, there are few steps to take to recover it or bring it back.
- Login to your facebook account
2. Go to your account setting and click on “Manage Pages” as shown in the picture below.

3. After clicking on the manage page, you will be able to see all your facebook pages in your account.Select the affected page.
4. After selecting the the page, Click on the page settings at the top right corner which is close to “help”

5. Click on the edit button on “Page Visibility”

6. You will see that your page is on an “Unpublished” section. Switch it to publish and click save changes.

7. After that, you will be reloaded to page setting and under “Page visibility” you will see that your page has been published.

That’s all…
Second Reason for Unpublished Facebook Page?
2. Violation of facebook page policy
This is the strongest reasons why facebook will not take any time to unpublish any page. When your page voilates facebook TOS, you will be automatically be unpublished even without prior information or alert.
Most cases, you may not go against facebook TOS and you will find out that your page have been unpublished out of mistake, what do you do to resolve that issue, you basically appeal to the facebook by writing a message that informs them that your page was unpublished out of mistake.
Many people who have faced this kind of situation have got their page back after sending them long message
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If Facebook placed restrictions on your page, that because you broken the terms of use. In few words, because you created illegal posts, so before you submit an appeal you should remove your illegal page posts
I suggest you remove all your page posts. After that go ahead and click appeal. You can use this message, Edit it with what is suitable for you :
Dear Facebook Team
The page {YourPageName} I and my colleagues were Managers of was unpublished on 9th of June and we are really suprised because we did not expect this to happen at all. Our fanpage was doing very well and we loved interacting with our loyal fans. We have always posted as per rules set. We would like clear reasoning as to why our page has been unpublished and if the reason is unjust which I think it is, then we would like my page to be republished with immediate effect, we hope for the best and a reply from the Facebook Team.
Hope this article is helpful, Kindly use your social media account to share this post on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to other people who might need it to get back their facebook page.
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How to Recover Unpublished Facebook Fan page –