Facebook Page URL – Are you wondering how to change your Facebook Page URL? Some people find it very difficult to carry out. It’s pretty simple, though Facebook once said you can’t. Now the option to change the Page URL was readily available. This article will reveal your Steps to Change Your Facebook Page URL.
Facebook Page URL
Do you know what Facebook Page URL is? It is the part of your web address after the https://www.facebook.com/.which is peculiar to your account. No other Facebook account will have the same URL with yours. Facebook calls this your username. It’s also often referred to as your vanity URL. Check Your Facebook Account Here
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Rules for Your Facebook Page URL
Facebook has a host of rules about usernames thus;
- Usernames must be at least 5 characters long.
- Usernames can only contain alphanumeric characters (A-Z, 0-9) or a period (“.”).
- They can’t contain generic terms or extensions (.com, .net).
- Your username must adhere to Facebook’s Terms. Source
- Keep in mind that you must be an admin to create or change the username for a Page
- You can only have one username for your Page or profile.
- You can’t claim a username someone else is already using.
- Periods (“.”) and capitalization don’t count as a part of a username. For example, johnWilliams34, John.willaims34, and john.Williams.34 are all considered the same username.
- You may not be able to immediately create a username for a new Page if you’ve recently created several new Pages.
- A Page’s username can also be removed because of inactivity.
- Facebook Page username best practices
Best Practices for Facebook Page Username
==> Make it as close as possible to your true name or the name of the business or person your Page represents (for instance: John.Smith, Facebook).
==> Regarding periods and capitalization, decide how you want it to look in the address bar because users can type it in with or without periods and capitals.
==> Choose a username you’ll be happy with for the long term. It may or may not be changeable in the future!
==> Keep your username as short and memorable as possible.
==> If the username you want isn’t available, you’ll need to pick a new one that’s not taken yet. A username may be unavailable if it’s already claimed, even if the Page or profile it’s associated with isn’t published yet.
Why Changing Your Facebook Page URL? (Caution)
Maybe you’ve decided your URL is too long, or you want to make it match your Page Name.
Changing your Page URL won’t change your Page name – the title that appears under your cover photo. However, be aware that once you’ve set a vanity URL, changing it will mean that any links to your Page will no longer work. If you don’t search out and change the old links when clicked, they’ll lead to this cute message:
Steps to Change Your Facebook Page URL
To make the change;
- Go to the top of your Page by the Admin Panel
- Click Edit Page > Update Info > Basic Information > Change Username.
- Since this is your one shot to make a change, make sure you choose a URL that is easy to remember and best reflects your business name so customers can easily find you on Facebook.
- Remember, once you have changed your username/URL, your old one won’t work—so keep this in mind if you’ve already distributed any materials with your Facebook address pre-printed.
- Also, make sure you update any Facebook links on your website.
NOTE: Usernames are single-use, so you won’t be able to create a new account with a previously-used name. Facebook doesn’t consider case or punctuation, so CompanyName is the same as company-name. Previously, Facebook allowed changing your Page URL only one time.
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Before changing your Facebook Page username, You must;
- Had your Facebook business Page for any length of time, and you’re active in promoting it, you’ve got that link posted in a lot of places.
- You’ve probably linked your FB Page in at least one sidebar, header, or footer widget.
- If you’ve guest posted, consider whether you left links there, and how you can access them to make the change. The last thing you want is to impress your reader, then send them to a dead page!
- If you’ve linked to your Facebook Fan Page from other social accounts, you’ll need to update those too.
- You may have saved a Pin on Pinterest with a link to your Facebook Business Page – you can change the URL on the Pin (but it won’t populate to repins). And if you have an Instagram account, you might have dropped a link there. Or on your Twitter profile. Find ’em all!
- Check your email signature, as well as any printed materials – business cards, brochures, anything else? These will need to be addressed first.
- As far as search engines like Google, I don’t believe there’s a way to ask them to reindex a page on a domain you don’t own. They should eventually notice though. The length of time probably depends on how big or active your page is/was.
So yes, if people search for your Facebook page outside Facebook, a search engine such as Google will send people to a broken Facebook Page link for some amount of time.
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