Facebook Marketplace Settings – Facebook Marketplace Notifications | Facebook Marketplace Rules

Facebook Marketplace Settings

Facebook Marketplace Settings – The Facebook marketplace settings are one that can be accessed and adjusted by Facebook users to their own convenience at any given time. The Facebook marketplace was first introduced in 2016 as a result of the many buying and selling activities taking place in Facebook Groups at the time. Since then, appreciable work has been done to improve the feature by making the Facebook marketplace place settings more user-friendly and protecting the security and interests of Facebook users.

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These settings put you in control of your account, giving you control of your Facebook marketplace experience. The marketplace function is built inside the Facebook network, so users don’t need to be redirected to a third-party website or leave Facebook to access it.

How to Adjust Marketplace Notifications

The marketplace notifications settings are responsible for the information you get on the marketplace. Users can, therefore, adjust these settings, depending on their individual preferences. Below is a quick guide on adjusting marketplace notification settings:

  1. Launch the Facebook app on your device and tap on the three horizontal lines at the top left corner of the page.
  2. Navigate down and tap marketplace and if you don’t see the marketplace, tap sees more.
  3. Tap
  4. Tap the bell icon at the top right corner.
  5. Tap on the switch to turn on or off the notification settings.

Rules that Guide Facebook Marketplace | Facebook Marketplace Rules

Being under the community of Facebook, there are certain rules that guide the buying and selling activities that are carried out on the Facebook marketplace. Some of these rules  include the following:

  1. Items to be sold.
  2. Nature of items to be sold.

Some certain items are prohibited from selling on Facebook marketplace, these items include:

  1. Animals
  2. Alcohol
  3. Adult contents
  4. Illegal drugs
  5. Weapons, ammunition or explosives
  6. Gift cards
  7. Event tickets
  8. Unsafe supplement

All these items are against the rules of what to be sold on the Facebook marketplace. For users looking to sell items on Marketplace, it is also worthy to note that only physical items can be sold on, contents like:

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  1. Jokes
  2. News
  3. Lost but found posts

are not allowed to be sold on Facebook as they are not also in line with the rules guiding the buying and selling on Facebook marketplace. On the other hand, people who wish to sell services such as Event tickets and housekeeping on the marketplace can only do so by cooperating with one of Facebook’s partners.

Facebook marketplace settings are put in place to ensure a secure and comfortable atmosphere for Facebook users to buy and sell online, reducing the possibilities of scams or sale of wrong products to the barest minimum.