Facebook Business Page Setup – With a population of over 2 billion active users, Facebook is definitely a suitable avenue to grow your business, no matter the size of your company or brand, creating a Facebook business page is one of the best way to grow and expand your business digitally, taking advantage of the ever increasing population on Facebook to the best of your benefit.
What is a Facebook business Page?
A Facebook business page is a section on Facebook designed exclusively for business owners to be able to reach out and expand their business in a digital fashion to make more sales.
Creating a Facebook business page is very easy and effective that most people now turn to Facebook business page rather than creating websites. Here in this article, we shall be discussing how to start up your Facebook business page and tips to help your page grow over time.
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How to create a Facebook business page
- Start with the basics: To create your Facebook business page, click here to go Facebook business page homepage. Once this page loads, you will see two boxes with different categories, one indicating” Business and Brand “, and the other “community and public figure “. Since its business we are interested in, go ahead and click on “get started “in the “Business and Brand “category.
- Fill out your basic information in the spaces provided: After selecting the business category, you will be required to fill out the necessary information in the fields provided. These information include your preferred page name, categories, address and phone number. Please be informed that, if you wish, at a later time, you can change the category but not the name.
- Add a profile and cover photo: Your profile photo will stand as your icon anytime you publish a post or make a comment in the News Feed section. The resolution for the standard profile photo is 170×70 pixels.
Your cover photo is slightly above your profile photo and this should typically be related to your brand because this will serve as a visual representation of your brand for anyone that clicks on your page to view your profile.
The cover photo vary in dimension for smartphones and desktop. The standard size for mobile smartphone is 820*312 pixels while that of desktop is 640*360 pixels. Based on experience, I think the best resolution that best fit either of the both is 820×462 pixels. Once you upload your profile and cover photo, you will be directed to your page.
- Fill out your complete business information: So about now, your Facebook business page is still new, Facebook has some tips to help you get started, you can also view all the tips by clicking “see all tips” which will pop-up all the necessary tips in completing your Facebook business page. These information include: A detailed description of your business in the capacity of 155 characters, category of your business, contact information, website, if you have, your business hours and more.
Your business information will appear on the ‘about’ section of your business page, where you can also edit and add other relevant business information like your business story, awards and achievements.
A good tip is to have a username or link that you can share with other users in order to access your business page more frequently. It will also be good to include a “Call to Action “button to which serves as a good opportunity for potential customers to reach you either through a direct message or by any of the available means.
At this stage, you can now customize your Facebook business page to your preferred taste using the built-in templates provided for Facebook to make your business page more attractive.
- Start posting: This is the last stage of your Facebook business page creation, start posting photos Videos or events which will begin to entice customers and make your business page more engaging.