Facebook Account Gets Hacked – Important Steps to Take When Your Facebook Account Gets Hacked

Facebook Account Gets Hacked

Facebook Account Gets Hacked – People of this world can be heartless, some do not want anything about you looking for a place to deal with you. Some can also use it to track your movement, through your discussions, chat with your friend.  Important Steps to Take When Your Facebook Account Gets Hacked articles will show you the exact ways to follow immediately you discover such an act.

Reasons For Facebook Account Hacking

Those who have not fell victims of Facebook account hacking use to ask “Do peoples FB account hacked?”

Yes, Facebook account and other social media such as Instagram, Twitter, etc are liable to be hacked.

Below are some of the reasons;

  1. It could even be a case or relationship sabotage
  2. On other occasions, the aim is more commercial. You might get blackmailed.
  3. It can be monitored from your friends or spouse
  4. It could be someone you know, playing a practical joke. Or one of your exes out for revenge.
  5. In such cases, your hacker might send nasty messages to your friends, expose private pictures, or delete all your contacts.

Whatever the circumstances behind your Facebook account being hacked, it’s an immensely personal violation. It feels like a break-in and can be every bit as distressing as a flesh-and-blood burglar.

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Major Causes of Facebook Account Hacking

  1. Using public devices to log in and possibly forgot to logout.
  2. Forgot to password your personal login device.
  3. Close relation who knows your login details.
  4. Commercial Facebook account hackers

Important Steps to Take When Your Facebook Account Gets Hacked

  1. Confirm the Hacked Account

You can easily know the cause maybe you didn’t log out and the next person took a peek. Or maybe someone was playing with your phone and scrolled through your account.

With this kind of ‘hack’, you can simply change your password and add a screen lock to your phone.

But if you were specifically targeted, or your data as part of the massive Facebook data breach, you need extra security measures.

To figure out if you’ve been hacked, you can visit this Facebook Help Center Page. Scroll to the bottom and, as long as you’re logged in, you should see a blue box at the bottom of the page.

If you were not affected by Facebook’s recent security breach, this is what you’ll see when you visit the page:

Based on what we’ve learned so far, your Facebook account has not been impacted by this security incident. If we find more Facebook accounts were impacted, we will reset their access tokens and notify those accounts.

If you can still log in, go to Settings > Security and login. Look at the last devices you’ve logged in from, and check if any are unfamiliar. You can also cross-check the dates to see which of those log-ins were (not) you.

For example, a log-in, while you were asleep, is a dead giveaway.

  1. Facebook Account Logins

If you can’t log in, it means the hacker changed your password, which shows potentially malicious intent.

Talk to a trusted Facebook friend. Ask them to log in to their account and click on yours:

Has your name, profile picture, or email changed?

Are your friends deleted, and are there new friends (or friend requests to people) you don’t know?

Are there new posts you didn’t put up?

Are your friends receiving private messages that aren’t from you?

Has the hacker contacted you?

  1. Report Compromise to Facebook

Facebook has a convenient URL, https://www.facebook.com/hacked/ where you can let them know your account has been compromised, even when you can’t access your own account. You’ll be prompted to type in the phone number or email you used to open the account. Make sure you are logged in.

Using these details, Facebook will help you regain access to your account. Facebook will also ask how you think your account was hacked.

The options included are:

Posts/messages on your timeline that you didn’t write.

Your private content has been made public.

You found a duplicate account with your name and photos.

Based on your answer, Facebook will suggest security measures and “walk” you through them. Follow the guides.

  1. Double-Check Your Permissions/Run Security Checkup

This applies in both cases – whether or not your passwords were changed without your consent.

Go to your apps and review who has access to your account. If there are apps you don’t recognize or no longer use, revoke their access.

You’ll find them under Settings > Apps and Websites.

  1. Facebook Permissions

After removing the apps, search your timeline for any posts those deleted apps had published on your behalf. You may delete them, but only if they bother you.

The apps may still have the data they collected in the past, but they can’t collect any more details from your account.

  1. Tighten Your Log-In Access

Facebook now offers two-factor authentication.

When someone logs in, a code will be sent to your mobile phone, verify it’s you. This only works if the hacker doesn’t have your smartphone as well though.

Facebook has an option to have a pre-selected Facebook friend receive the authentication code on your behalf.

  1. Facebook Two Factor Authentication

To enable two-factor authentication, go to Setting > Security and login.

You can also run a security check-up. It will log you off from all browsers. It will also notify you if anyone logs in from a phone or computer Facebook doesn’t recognize.

Let Your People Know

Memes aside, you do need to inform your friends and followers you were hacked.

The hacker may have used their time in your account to contact your Facebook friends. They may have posed as you and asked for personal details, passwords, or even cash.

This may seem outlandish, but there are documented cases of someone looking through your friends’ list for ‘dad, mom, spouse’ then messaging them something like, “I forgot the bank PIN, LOL, please text me?” Or “I lost my wallet, please send me cab fare.”

Worse, the hacker may have piggy-backed off your account and used it to hack their accounts, maybe sending them a private message phishing link that infected their device. Warn them not to open any links “you” sent while you were hacked. Advise them to secure their accounts, too.

More to read: Two-Step Verification in Facebook – Two-Step Verification On Facebook | How to Activate Two-Step Verification in Facebook

  1. Review Your Privacy Settings

You probably haven’t done this since you set them.

If you’ve never undertaken this exercise, do it from scratch. If you’re familiar with privacy setting, double-check.

You can control who sees your posts, who can tag you, and other related elements. You can also check for caveats.

For example, in certain cases, if someone comments on a private post, it becomes public, so you can moderate comment permissions, too. You can switch on/off video auto-play and face recognition, ensuring Facebook doesn’t automatically tag you in your friend’s photos.

  1. Change All Your Passwords

The Facebook Reporting tool will nudge you to do so, but even if it’s a benign hack, change the password to be safe.

While you’re at it, change all your other passwords, too.

Your Facebook account may have shared passwords with other apps.

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Also, any app where you “logged in via Facebook” is especially at risk. Use a password manager (LastPass is my personal favorite) to help.