Download Facebook Messenger App – See Facebook Messenger App Download

Facebook Messenger App Download

Download Facebook Messenger App – The Facebook Messenger app is the official Facebook app that let’s Facebook users to chat with their friends and family in a more matured manner.

If you have a lot of Facebook friends, the easiest and fastest way to keep in touch with your friends and family is by using the Facebook messenger app. Your conversations are normally one – on – one and you can see when your friend has read the message or when they are typing. You can create group messages and have all your messages packed in a particular place.

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Facebook messenger app supports sharing of videos, photo’s, and status updates. If you feel texting your friends isn’t enough for you, you can take a photo or video directly from the Facebook messenger app. You can also make voice calls and video calls to your friends and family on Facebook. This can be made through a cellular data plan or a Wi-Fi connection.

Talking about voice calls, how can you make voice calls on the Facebook messenger app?

At the bottom of the Facebook messenger, there are lots of icons including, Home, Calls, People, and Games. If you tap on calls you will be asked to make voice calls to a person or a group of persons. You can also make video calls with individuals or with a group of people.

If you think chatting on Facebook messenger is boring, try using the new features of Facebook Messenger to chat with your friends. What are the latest features of Facebook messenger?

Features of a Facebook messenger app

The following are features of a Facebook messenger app;

Direct messaging – Facebook users can send messages to other users without the requirements of being friends as long as the user has the phone number of the other user in their contact list.

Chat heads – displays an icon with a contacts profile photo.

Money transfer – this feature supports group payments. Its users can use the app to send money to friends and families.

Calls – the app lets you make voice calls and video calls which enhances communication.

Location sharing – users can tap on a location button and they will be shown a map that can pinpoint any location. Even if the user is not present at the place. It enables users to share location with a friend or group of friends.

Transportation request

Third-party app integration.

SMS support – Facebook implement support for SMS texting within the messenger android app.

Multiple accounts – Facebook added support for multiple support in the messenger app.

Home message panel – Facebook introduced the Home button in messenger as a central location for sending and receiving of message.

Secret conversation – users can send each other an end-to-end encrypted messages through an optional mode called “secret conversation “. Users can also send each other “self-destructive “messages that can be removed permanently following an optional period of time.

Instant games – the Facebook Messenger app allows users to play games.

How to access the Facebook messenger app

The Facebook Messenger app can be used together with the Facebook app on your personal computer. It can be accessed using “” on your web browser or using the mobile messenger app on your Android device and iOS device.

Although the Facebook messenger app is easy to access through the messenger website, your Facebook account, or mobile apps, you can also install “add-ons” in some browsers to make it more interesting.

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Add-ons are not the official Facebook app, they are just third party extensions that non-Facebook inventors designed for free. For example, the Mozilla Firefox browser can put the Facebook messenger app on the side of their screens and use it while they are on their websites.

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