Delete Facebook Event Page – How To Create And Delete Facebook Event Page

Delete Facebook Event Page

Delete Facebook Event Page – To Create And Delete Facebook Event Page on your account is quite interesting and easy to do when you go through this page. Read carefully below.

How To Create And Delete Facebook Event Page

How To Create a Facebook Event on Your Computer

  1. Login to your Facebook Account
  2. From your News Feed, click Events in the left menu.
  3. Click + Create Event on the left side.
  4. Click Create Private Event. Only invited guests will see your event. Once you’ve created a private event, you won’t be able to change it to the public later.
  5. Fill in the event name, location, date, time and description.
  6. Click Create. You’ll be taken to your event where you can invite guests, upload photos, add a cover photo or video, share posts and edit event details.

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Note: Only Pages, not personal profiles, can create recurring events. Learn more about the difference between a Page and a profile.

How To Create a Public Facebook Event on Your Computer:

  1. From your News Feed, click Events in the left menu.
  2. Click + Create Event on the left side.
  3. Click Create Public Event. Anyone will be able to see your event and search for it, even if you aren’t friends. Once you’ve created a public event, you won’t be able to change it to private later.
  4. Fill in the event name, location, date, time and description.
  5. Type and select keywords about your public event so it can be better recommended to people who are interested in that topic (example: Food festival).
  6. Choose who can edit and post in your event and then click Create. You’ll be taken to your event where you can invite guests, upload photos, add a cover photo or video, share posts and edit event details.

To Edit an Existing Event on Your PC:

==> From your News Feed, click Events in the left menu.

==> Click Edit in the top right.

==> Change the event name, location, time, description or co-hosts.

==> Click Save.

Note: You can change the time your event starts or ends by typing directly into the box next to the date.

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How To Delete or Cancel Facebook Event:

If you delete an event by accident or don’t have an event, you must create a new event. Once you’ve deleted an event, you won’t be able to restore the event.

To cancel or delete your event:

  1. Go to your event page and click Edit.
  2. Click Cancel Event in the bottom left.
  3. Click Cancel Event or Delete Event.
  4. Click Confirm. Keep in mind that a notification will be sent to everyone who was invited and hasn’t already declined or removed themselves from the invite.

Note: When you cancel an event you’ll no longer be able to make changes to it, but people will still be able to post. When you delete an event, everything will be deleted and no one will be able to post.