Facebook Messenger Word Blitz – Facebook Messenger Word Blitz Game is one of the most played puzzle games anyone can come across in the Facebook Gameroom. Lots and lots of individuals are playing this game and statistics from Facebook shows there are over 5 million Facebook users playing this game.
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More than just being a game, it is highly educative and can help you to improving the following:
- Spelling
- Vocabulary
- Intellect
- Speed
To win (earn points) in the Word Blitz game, you are required to get words together for the purpose of achieving a correct spelling. In winning this game, you have to be really smart. Since this game deals with intellect am sure you would want to show your friends who is smarter. The purpose of this content is to educate you on how you can be the game lord in this particular game.
How to Win This Game (Cheat)
The cheat for winning this game is straight forward and easy. Follow these steps:
- Using your web browser visit www.findtheword.info/Search.aspx?stype=words-in-the-word&sword=BLITZ
- Input the words you are given smartly to save time
- It will give you alphabets arranged in the right order
- Then, arrange your alphabets as given you
With the accurate speed when doing this, I assure you will become the best amongst your friends and competitors.
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How to Play Facebook Messenger Word Blitz Game
As you play Word Blitz game and pay rapt attention to certain instructions, you earn points (Fireballs). To play this game, you have to invite a friend. Look out for alphabets with extra points which would help you in winning the game.
One very great idea to become one of the top players of this game is to challenge other players who have a greater number of fireballs. To arrange the words given to you and win the game you have less than 5 minutes. This is why you need to be smart.