Change Name On Facebook Account – Change Facebook Name | How To Change My Name on Facebook Profile

Change Name On Facebook

Change Name On Facebook – Your FB Name is your number one identity on Facebook. Even in the world, you will always observe that your name makes it possible for people to relate with you (identify you). Facebook gives its users the opportunity to change their account name from time to time. Although, individuals may have different reasons for change their names on Facebook. You can change your name based on any of the following:

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  1. Got married and have a new surname
  2. You Personally prefer people addressing you by your new name
  3. Have a new title you would love to attach to your name
  4. The fact people address you by your nickname more often
  5. Representation of a brand

And lots more…

People have all sorts of reason why they change their Facebook account name. Though, your FB friends will become aware of the change in your account name. It is highly advisable you use your real name because it helps people easily identify you.

Change My Name on Facebook Profile

Facebook grants users the permission to edit or change their names on their user profile. To avoid abuse of this grant, users can only change their names after 60day of their last change. This can be increased to 120 days if you continually change your name.

How to Change My Name on Facebook Profile or Account

The steps to changing your FB profile name is very easy. Kindly follow the procedures below:

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  1. Firstly, it is very important you review the Facebook name standard
  2. Whether you are using a web browser, an iPhone or Android device, navigate your ways to “Settings”
  3. Click “Personal Information” or “General Settings”
  4. Click “Name”
  5. Input your name and click “Review Change”
  6. Input your password and click “Save Change”